Suns Up - Guns Up Colombian Supremo Light Roast – Dirty Duck Coffee Company
Suns Up - Guns Up Colombian Supremo Light Roast
Suns Up - Guns Up Colombian Supremo Light Roast

Suns Up - Guns Up Colombian Supremo Light Roast

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Grown at high altitudes, hand picked, and wet processed, this King of Colombians, the Supremo, is the highest grade of Colombia coffee based on bean size and relative freedom from physical imperfections, and is incredibly delicious. Our Colombia Supremo showcases lovely inherent flavors, with whispers of chocolate, caramel and tropical fruits. It is an incredibly versatile coffee that is both sweet, rich, and smooth, with some underlying caramel notes. A medium bodied coffee, with just the right vibrancy to make for lively cup that is nuanced by understated fruity tones. You will really enjoy this classic single origin coffee any time of the day, or all day long.